2016 National Pension Statistics Facts Book



Part 01. General Information

1. Change in the total Insured Persons 8
2. Change in the total Beneficiaries 9
3. Average Pension Benefit by Pension Type 10
4. Rules for Calculating Standard Monthly Income 12
5. Dependent Pension Amount 13
6. Total National Pension Fund Reserve and Pension Disbursement 14
7. Percentage of Pension Disbursement over GDP 15



Part 02. Enrollment and Collecting Contributions

1. Number of Insured Persons 18
2. Percentage of Insured Persons 19
3. Trends in Number of Insured Persons by Type of Insured Person 20
4. Percentage of Insured Persons by Gender 21
5. Percentage of Insured Persons and Contribution payers
    within the Economically Active Population 22
6. Public Pension Enrollments 23
7. Average Monthly Income and A-value 24
8. Amount of Collected Contributions 25 


Part 03. Pension Benefits

1. Change in Beneficiaries 28
2. Percentage of Old-Age Pension Beneficiaries by Contribution Period 29
3. Trends in Beneficiaries and their Proportion by Type of Benefit 30
4. Percentage of Beneficiaries by Type of Benefit and Gender 31
5. Amount of Old-Age Pension Benefits and Percentage of
   Old-Age Pension Beneficiaries 32
6. Distribution of Old-Age Pension Beneficiaries by Average Monthly Payment 33


Part 04. Public Transfers and the Elderly¡¯s Preparation for Living Expense(Special Topic)

1. Trends in the Public Transfers 36
2. Trends in the proportion of income resources of the Elderly Household 37
3. The Elderly¡¯s Preparation for Living Expense 38


Part 05. Naytional Pension Fund

1. National Pension Fund Finances 42
2. Trends in National Pension Fund Reserve 43
3. Trends in the Rate of Investment Returns 44
4. Features of Financial Investments 45
5. Asset Allocations 46
6. Trends in Asset Allocations 47


Part 06. Basic Pensiln: A Social Assistance Program

1. Beneficiaries in both Basic Pension and National Pension 50
2. Basic Pension Beneficiaries by Family type and Gender 51


Appendix A. Public Pension Statistics of Major OECD Countries

1. Contribution and Income Replacement Rates of the Public Pension 54
2. Percentage of Public Pension Expenditure over GDP 55
3. Poverty Rate of the Elderly 56
4. Comparison of Public Pension Fund Reserves 57
5. Returns on Public Pension Fund Investments 58
6. Comparison of Assset Allocation of Public Pension Funds 59


Appendix B. Mandatory Occupational Pension and Corporate Pensiln Statistics

1. Insured Persons under Occupational Pension 60
2. Occupational Pension Beneficiaries 61
3. Trends in the Corporate Pension Reserve 62
4. Enrollment Status of Corporate Pension 63


Appendix C. Old-Age Population and Labor

1. Aging Population and Supporting the Elderly 64
2. Comparison of Retirement Readiness of the Elderly 65
3. The Minimum Cost of Living 66
4. Trends in Average Wage of Workers across All Industries 67
5. Trends in Growth Rate of Average Worker Wage across All Industries and
   Consumer Price Index 68


Appendix. Information and Terminology

1. Retirement Income Replacement and Contribution Rate of the National
   Pension 69
2. Normal Retiremet Age of the Natonal Pension 70
3. Pension Credits 71
4. ¡®A-value¡¯ evaluation method of 2016 and 2017 72
5. Qualifications to become A Basic Pension beneficiaries 73
6. Glossary for the Public Pension enrollments 74
7. Lists of Special Topic of the Year 76

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